Wednesday 5 October 2011

Annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi

annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi


I am a little confused, your post on Craig's list indicated that you were looking for a Administrative Assitant in Signal Hill and you provide me with an address in New York? Berkowitz's/Rosenstalk's Office and she assured me there was no annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi Chripractic Doctor named James Cash on the second floor. Therefore, please provide your license number so I may verify it.

And annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi why post an ad on Craig's List for a city that your so called company is not even in? Please provide the necessary details annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi for us to go any further. I am not satisfied at all and if needed I will contact the authorities because you have provided false advertising regarding employment. And a few miniutes later, here was his LAST reply to me: I AM NOT READY TO GIVE YOU JOB ANYMORE SINCE YOU ARE NOT READY TO FOLLOW MY RULES AND REGULATIONS DO I FEEL DUMB, YES!!! credit expert I filed a complaint on Craig's List but don't know if I will receive a response. This is my 1st time using CL as a way to find a job and now I know why not to! I've cut off all communication by blocking guy from on my email account. I think I may stop using CL from now on This has happened to my husband as well. Anyways supposively he is to send a check where we take out 550 for ourselves and mail the rest to some guy in Vegas. Of course I looked into it cause it seemed fishy which led annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi me to this website and a previous one talking about how he was a scammer. govt free credit report Once that check comes in, its being ripped up and thrown in the trash. I applied for a craigslist opening as the same job, and got an email response precisely close to yours!

Funny thing is, is the guy did not annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi give me any information about annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi him, and says that he in Canada ands going to send me via cash check that I will need for my first assignment. His assignment is to buy a bunch of toys for an orphanage.

He never replies back quickly, and never answer my questions. Within the past 3 to 4 days, I have sent out about 20 job application I annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi have already gotten about 3 scam-look-alike emails. BECAREFUL everyone and annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi do HARD research before giving out personal information.

To bad their company was NOT on google at all and when I called the number, it sound like a fake straight to voicemail shabang. annual credit report free credit report ------------------------------------------------------------ Hey diana dao, it's wonderful to annual credit report free credit report Corpus Christi hear from you. In case our ad was not clear, the responsibilities of the position are as follows: you will be answering the phone and taking messages whenever necessary, you will be scheduling the company meetings, and errand running for us for things such as purchasing office supplies and making our bank deposits (you will be provided with a company car).

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